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BOS Minutes May 10, 2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 3, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman Colbert, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

SUBJECT: Chief Patrick Clarke

HIGHLIGHTS:  Chief Clarke met with the Board to discuss his contract.  Only a few minor changes were made to his current contract.  Chief Clarke’s contract will run for one year.  Chief Clarke asked to have three weeks vacation in lieu of compensation time. Selectman Colbert asked if Chief Clarke would ask for another week next year.  Chief Clarke said no, he would not come back next year to ask for an additional week.  Selectmen Colbert asked the question based on the Personal Policy (“policy”) for the Town of Chichester.  Based on the policy, when an employee has worked for the Town for seven years the employee is entitled to 15 days.  Chief Clarke has been employed with the Town for six years.

Chairman DeBold asked Chief Clarke how the interviewing process was going for Lt. Kitson.  Chief Clarke said it was going well and Lt. Kitson should be notified soon.

Chief Clarke asked about the Lighting Ordinance he said he had some concerns for businesses on Route 4.  He said the lights should remain on all night.  Selectman Colbert stated the lights need to be redirected on to the lot and not on Route 4, the lights do not need to be turned off.

SUBJECT: Mr. Bob Mann

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Mann presented a draft letter to the Board.  The letter is addressed to Mr. Bob Cavacco.  In the letter, it asks Mr. Cavacco for his intent on his participation in the dam project.  The letter also provided a copy of the RFP that will be sent out to engineering firms.  The Board made slight changes to the letter and it will be signed by the Selectmen and sent out on May 17th .

Mr. Mann shared with the Board the grant procedure and he said that the Town’s best chance at a grant was from Land and Water Conservation Fund.  He said after the Town applies for the grant it will be reviewed and decided in December by the Land and Water Conservation Fund and if they decide the Town is eligible, the application will be sent to the federal government for final determination.

Since the Town or Mr. Cavacco has not registered the dam, would the state allow us to keep the dam status quo?  Chairman DeBold stated he thought that the state would allow us to keep status quo as long as were are doing something to repair the dam.  Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Mann if he had returned Attorney Perkins call.  Mr. Mann stated that he had and he told Attorney Perkins that a letter from the Selectmen was forthcoming.  Mr. Mann stated that he or the Conservation Committee would not discuss the dam issue with Mr. Cavacco unless the Board asked the Conservation Committee to do so.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  Chairman DeBold has done some investigation regarding the Moore property.  Chairman DeBold was investigating whether the property that was just granted a buildable lot (2-27-A) was grandfathered.  The RSA 674:39 (Four year Exemption) is very specific.  The RSA states in part  Every subdivision plat approved by the planning board and properly recorded in the registry of deeds………… and substantial development or building has begun on the site by the owner or the owner’s successor in interest in accordance with the approved subdivision plat within twelve months after the date of approval……………….. Since the subdivision took place in 1983 and no substantial development had taken place in a twelve-month span, following the approval of the subdivision the property at 2-27-A is not grandfathered for the purpose of building permits.  The Board asked Patty to send a letter to the Building Inspector advising him that the property is not grandfathered and no building permit can be issued.

HIGHLIGHTS: Chairman DeBold went to the Duford property located on Hilliard Road, to measure the distance between the pin and the wall.  Chairman DeBold reported that the road goes through Mr. Duford’s property.  He said Mr. Duford deeded over a 50’ right of way to the Town.  Selectman MacCleery stated the Selectmen should hold a meeting with the abutters and explain to them the possibility of relocating Hilliard Road. The Board asked Patty to send a letter to the abutters. The meeting is scheduled for May 25, 2005.

HIGHLIGHTS:  Chairman DeBold stated that he spoke with Sherri Demers regarding her letter sent to Selectmen’s office about the fire department.  Ms. Demers said that she had received a letter from Chief Paveglio.  Chairman DeBold said Ms. Demers seemed happy about the correspondence from Chief Paveglio.

HIGHLIGHTS:  Selectmen Colbert said he went fishing under Depot Street Bridge and noticed that the underside of the bridge next to the guardrail the concrete was crumbling. Chairman DeBold stated he met with DOT regarding Thunder Bridge.  He said that he and the rep from DOT walked down to Depot Street Bridge and he noticed a lot of sand and salt along the baseline of the curbline on both sides of the bridge. He said the sand and salt were bad for the concrete and should be removed as soon as possible.  The Board asked Patty to send a memo to Mr. David Kenneally asking him to clean the sand and salt off the bridge.  The Board asked her to include in the memo that street sweeping should be done past the ditch line and that careful attention should be paid to the intersections and approaches.

A letter was sent to the Selectmen from a resident regarding Granny Howe Road and its condition.  The Board asked Patty to copy the letter to the Road Agent.

HIGHLIGHTS: Patty briefly showed the Selectmen an example of ideas for updating the website.  The Selectmen were in favor of updating the website.  Selectman MacCleery asked Patty to find out the cost of updating the website and report back to the Selectmen. Chairman DeBold asked Patty were the money would come from and she suggested the cable franchise funds.

Chairman DeBold made a Motion to enter a nonpublic session based on RSA 91-A:3 (c).  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Colbert.  A vote was taken by roll call and all members voted in the affirmative.

Selectman Colbert made a Motion to permanently seal the minutes of the nonpublic session.  Selectman MacCleery seconded the motion.  A vote was taken by roll call and all members voted in the affirmative.

Chairman DeBold made a Motion to come out of nonpublic session.  It was seconded by Chairman MacCleery.  A vote was taken by roll call and all members voted in the affirmative.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:30 PM
Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert